2017-03-19 Stress In The Workplace With Andrew Faas & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio
Can we really afford the price of unnecessary workplace stress? According to a 2015 Harvard University study published in the journal Management Science, more than 120,000 deaths a year may be due to stress at work resulting in approximately 5-8 percent of annual healthcare costs. The desperate need to create psychologically healthy workplaces has come to the attention of major educational institutions including Yale University. The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence is mounting one of the most comprehensive studies on the effect of emotions at work.
Joining us for our discussion on Stress In The Workplace is Andrew Faas who is calling in from his office. Andrew Faas is a management adviser who focuses on organizational transformations. He is a former senior executive with Loblaw companies limited and shoppers drug mart, Canada's largest retailers and now heads the Faas Foundation which focuses on health care, education and medical research. His latest book is “FROM BULLY TO BULL’S-EYE: Move Your Organization Out of the Line of Fire ”
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