2018-02-11 Negotiating With The IRS With Olanda Sample & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio
Negotiating With The IRS
Do you have debts? Do you owe money to the most powerful collector in the world? The federal government! The Internal Revenue Service better known as the IRS handles Uncle Sam’s collection and enforcement processes for the federal government. The IRS can levy on your salary and take your asset but it does not have to come down to this situation. I have found that is possible to work a deal but two things have to happen:
1. Stay current in your current year’s tax liability meaning you have to make estimated tax payments if you are self employed.
2. Whatever payment that is agreed to has to be made every month
I realize that the government wants the debt paid as quickly as possible but you have always be realistic in presenting what you can pay and make sure your documents will reflect what you are trying to do.
Joining us for our discussion on Negotiating With The IRS is Olanda Sample, who is in our Durham NC studio. Olanda Sample is a retired from the IRS with 35 years of experience. His career experience has extensively enhanced his knowledge about how the IRS operates along with how individuals and businesses can protect themselves and their finances within the boundaries of the United States Tax Code. Over the years, his responsibilities included: Collection Field Manager, Field Collections, Offer in Compromise Specialist
He is the owner of Sample & Company Tax Debt Resolutions.
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