2019-03-03 Fix The Problems with Melinda Emerson & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio
Fix The Problems
You’ve made it past the hard part. You’ve survived a few years, maybe more, in business, but your business is stressing you out. Why? Because you’ve built a business that can’t run without you. It affects your sleep and your health. You are making some money and paying the bills, including your own paycheck (hopefully), but you dread dealing with your business at times.
You’re scared to take a vacation. Your company cannot operate three days, let alone three months, without you. You are still the primary rainmaker in your business. You don’t have sales staff or you have the wrong people working for you. No one thinks about how your business makes money other than you. Let’s face it, if something happened to you, your business would probably cease to exist.
I want you to have a business that allows you to love your dream life. I want you to develop processes and systems to get better control of your business. You might think that signs of failure are the ones you need to look out for when running your small business, but you need to pay just as much attention to evidence that your business is growing-- before it grows so fast that you can’t keep up with demand, and ultimately grow yourself out of business.
Joining us for our discussion on Fix The Problems is Melinda Emerson who is on the phone from her Philadelphia Office. Melinda F. Emerson, Smallbizlady, is one of America’s leading small business experts. She is an author, speaker and small business coach whose areas of expertise include small business start-up, business development and social media marketing. As CEO of MFE Consulting LLC, Melinda develops audio, video and written content to fulfill her mission to End Small Business Failure. Her latest book is Fix Your Business: A 90 Day Plan To Get Back Your Life And Reduce Chaos In Your Business.
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