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Big Data Torture With Gary Smith and Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio Thumbnail

Big Data Torture With Gary Smith and Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio

Gary N Smith

Scientific disinformation and damaging conspiracy theories are rife because of the internet that science created, the scientific demand for empirical evidence and statistical significance leads to data torturing and confirmation bias, and data mining is fueled by the technological advances in Big Data and the development of ever-increasingly powerful computers.  Using a wide range of entertaining examples that impacts society's growing distrust of science, and ultimately provides constructive suggestions for restoring the credibility of the scientific community. 

Joining us for our discussion on Big Data Torture  is GARY SMITH  from his Claremont CA.  Gary Smith is the Fletcher Jones Professor of Economics at Pomona College. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Yale University and was an Assistant Professor there for seven years. He has won two teaching awards and written (or co-authored) more than 100 academic papers and 15 books. He is the author of The AI Delusion (OUP 2018) and co-author with Jay Cordes of The 9 Pitfalls of Data Science (OUP 2019), which won the 2020 Prose Award for Excellence in Popular Science & Popular Mathematics by the Association of American Publishers. His latest book is Distrust: Big Data, Data Torturing and the Assault on Science.  Welcome Back to Mastering Your Money, Gary Smith