Ex-Heavyweight champion Mike Tyson said "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth". Covid-19 has been the punch in the mouth for everyone in the world. Businesses are having their employees working from home until the middle of 2021. Individuals are worried about their jobs and their families health. The world is dealing with the Covid-19. It has led to substantial death rates, widespread infections, a severe strain on healthcare resources, dramatic spikes in unemployment, business failures, school closures, event cancellations, extreme travel restrictions and many other consequences.
On an individual level, people rapidly activated ingenuity and technology to address the need for human connection. Schoolteachers and principals augmented online learning with words of encouragement outside students homes. Automobile parades or Drive By Celebrations replace birthday parties and graduation celebrations.
Join us for our discussion with Dr. Joseph Michelli on Challenges Make You Stronger. Joseph A. Michelli, Ph.D., C.S.P.,is an internationally sought-after speaker,author, and organizational consultant. His insights encourage leaders and
frontline workers to grow and invest passionately in all aspects of their lives.
Dr. Michelli is the author of numerous national bestsellers, including The
Starbucks Experience, The New Gold Standard, and the New York Times #1
bestseller Prescription for Excellence. He was named as one of the Top 10
thought leaders in Customer Service by Global Gurus.
His latest book is Stronger Through Adversity: World Class Leaders Share Pandemic Tested Lessons on Thriving During The Toughest Challenges Welcome Back to Mastering Your Money, Joseph A Michelli .