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Protecting Against Fraud With Cynthia Hetherington and Ed Fulbright on Mastering Your Money Radio  Thumbnail

Protecting Against Fraud With Cynthia Hetherington and Ed Fulbright on Mastering Your Money Radio

Cynthia Hetherington

In this world of fake-it-till-you-make-it founders, win-at-all-costs politicians, and just plain old-fashioned hucksters, it’s more important than ever to protect yourself from being led down a road of disinformation, misinformation, or patent lies. It requires you to have a degree of knowledge in conducting due diligence investigations. Due diligence investigations are a way to protect yourself, your client, and even your community from fraudulent actors. Whether hiring a nanny or considering taking a new job, with today’s rampant disinformation, you can’t afford to succumb to shortcuts and easy answers.


Due diligence, when applied to intelligence purposes, involves thorough research of a topic utilizing available tools and accessible resources. Due diligence research utilizes open-source databases, websites, and social media platforms to understand people’s professional and educational history, professional and social networks, and even spending habits. Performing due diligence protects ordinary citizens, investors, and maybe even innocent children from harm. 


Cynthia Hetherington, MLS, MSM, CFE, CII, OSC is the Founder and CEO of Hetherington Group, a consulting, publishing, managed services, and training firm that leads in due diligence, corporate intelligence, and cyber investigations. Throughout her career, she has assisted clients on thousands of cases using online open sources and databases as well as executing boots-on-the-ground operations. She provides specialized training for investigative professionals through the OSINT Academy, and has authored many industry-leading books on conducting cyber investigations, including her latest, OSINT: The Authoritative Guide to Due Diligence: Essential Resources for Critical Business Intelligence, 3rd Edition.  Welcome to Mastering Your Money, Cynthia Hetherington