2017-05-27 Love Your Work with Maia Duerr & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio
Love Your Work
The number 1 factor in having financial freedom is how much you earn with passion. So many of us feel trapped in wage slavery and deadened to our true talents and life’s purpose. Or we’ve wandered through dozens of jobs and are left feeling adrift and without meaning in our lives. Livelihood is a source of great suffering for way too many. You must create a career that expresses your life’s core intention as you clarify your true calling, create a vision for meaningful vocation, and enact practical steps to make that vision a vivid. It is not easy especially early in your career.
Joining us for our discussion on Love Your Work is Maia Duerr who is calling in from her Santa Fe New Mexico Office. Maia Duerr is a writer, organizational consultant, and coach for people going through life and career transitions. She draws on her years of Zen meditation practice and training in anthropology to create powerful tools for integrating mindfulness into the workplace and in clients’ everyday lives. Through her workshops, retreats,online programs, and individual coaching, Maia has supported hundreds of people
around the world to start or deepen a contemplative practice, and to create work that matters. She is the author of “Work That Matters”.
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