Simple Investing With Chris Pedersen and Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio
We have received an email from jason in emporia, virginia. Jason is 25 years old making $30,000 per year received a $20,000 inheritance. He has started investing but can not wait to become financially independent. He becoming impatient feeling that the stock market and real estate are not growing his money fast enough.
Jason, hold tight on with your investing. If you get a 10% annual return and contribute an additional 10% of your salary per month, which is $250, you will have over million dollars in roughly 30 years.
Joining us for our discussion on Simple Investing is who is calling in from his Bainbridge Island WA office . Chris Pedersen is an engineer by training, and new opportunity finder by nature. He has enjoyed success in Silicon Valley as a product manager, program manager, brand manager, startup founder, consultant, business development manager, photographer and inventor. His grandfather taught him to say “I am a financial wizard” before he was two years old, but he chose engineering instead. He’s been a lifelong buy-and-hold investor and is now working hard to build the knowledge and skill needed to fulfill his grandfather’s dream and share it with others. He is releasing his new book "Two Funds For Life"