Turbo Charge Your Career With Susan Peppercorn and Ed Fulbright on Mastering Your Money Radio
Susan Peppercorn
What you earn is the engine that powers you to financial freedom. So, it’s no surprise that an Internet search on the phrase “happiness at work” yields a large number of responses. Believe it or not, there are over 450 million posts on the topic. In fact, two-thirds of Americans don’t feel engaged at work according to a Gallup survey. Since most of us spend the majority of our waking hours working, it’s no wonder we want to feel good about the time we spend there.
If you are happy in your current job, or if your goal is to find a new job, change careers, climb the ladder or seek greater meaning where you are, finding the career right fit is essential to your well-being.
Joining us for our discussion on Turbo Charge Your Career is Susan Peppercorn , who is in Boston MA. Susan is an excutive coach for mid and senior level professionals to find their next best career step. Frequently quoted by NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review and US World News and Report are some of the publications that her for career advice. A certified positive psychology coach, Susan is accredited by the International Coaching Federation and is an executive mentor for Healthcare Business Women's Association. She is the author of Ditch Your Inner Critic At Work. Welcome to Mastering Your Money, Susan Peppercorn