2018-05-20 Money Habits of The Rich with Tom Corley & Ed Fulbright On Mastering Your Money Radio
Money Habits of The Rich
You are the architect of your own happiness and your own sadness.
You are the architect of an abundant life and your life of scarcity.
Ultimately, you are the architect of your life.
Until you accept this fundamental fact of life, you will never truly have any control over your life. Like leaves on a fall day, you will float in the air aimlessly, without direction, driven by the wind. The habits that you forge, are that wind. The hidden power inside each one of us, is the ability to direct that wind in any direction of our choosing, by choosing habits that move us forward in life toward the life of our dreams
Joining us for our discussion on Money Habits of The Rich is Tom Corley, who is in NJ. Tom Corley is an internationally recognized authority on habits and wealth creation. His inspiring keynote addresses cover success habits of the rich, failure habits of the poor and cutting edge habit change strategies. In Tom’s five-year study of the rich and poor he identified over 300 daily habits that separated the “haves” from the “have nots.” Tom is s bestselling author and award winning author. His latest book is Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: Strategies That Transformed 177 Average People into Self-Made Millionaires.
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